Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Learning with Technology....

So, what brought me to SNHU? Well, the main reason I am at SNHU is not just because it is close to the town I grew up in, but it is also one of the schools that offered me the most in scholarship money.  I have a twin sister Megan, who is going to college with me and an older sister Abby, attending grad-school, so money was an important consideration for me and my family when choosing schools.  

I am majoring in Music Education here at SNHU, and so far, it's been going well.  The music program here is good despite it's youth and  the heavy course-load that comes along with it. One of the courses required for my major happens to be EDU 235: Learning with Technology, which is exactly what brings me here.  I have always been technologically impaired, but hopefully, by the end of this course, I will be a little less clueless, so that in the future, I have the necessary skills to integrate technology into my teaching.

1 comment:

  1. Molly, great post! I am glad you are majoring in music education. I know you will do great in that area, you are perfect for it! What kind of students do you want to teach when you graduate?
